Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hees Cusub. Jaceyl Xanuun Waaye (Music Video link)

Heesta oo ay Qaadayaan Ah Abdi (Is Xanaji) iyo Shamsa Foot. Eraydii Shamsa Mohamed Foot iyo Laxankii Abdirahmaan Sheikh Ahmed Gaas. Musigii Ahmed Salah. Daawo (Hoos Riix)

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Masawirrada Sh. Shariif oo La Kulmay Mas'uuliyiin Ka Socda Dowladda Mareykanka

Hoos Riix oo Fiirso Sawirada

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Aar Maanta Dhadhami - Live Performance

Live performance of Dhadhami. This song is taken from Aar Maanta's album Hiddo & Dhaqan which is available to buy on iTunes, Amazon, CD baby and all other digital stores.

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Qaylo Dhaan - Wiil Ka Jawaabaya Heestaas oo Tirinaya Tix-dan hoos Ku Qoran

Ayaamahan waxaa dadka badankood isku taxalujinayaan inay ra'yigooda ka dhiibtaan xaaladda dalkeenu ku sugan yahay iyo naxariis darada ka socota. Waxaa isoo gaartay email ow iisoo diray wiil aan saaxiibo nahay waxa uuna yiri.

"Asxaabeey waan idin salaamay dhamaantiin waxaan rabaa inaa halkaan idiin ku soo gudbiyo afareey gaaban.
waxaana tiriyay anigoo ah
M****** ****** Cabdulle (Jaariqo)

Waxaa igu dhaliyay tixdan gaaban inaa tiriyo maalin ayadoo eey barqo tahay ayaa asxaabta qof ka mid ah ii soo diray miraha heesta " QAYLO DHAAN" Anoo is leh bal aad xoogaa ku darsatid ama ka jawaabtid ayaa ilaahay intaan maskaxdeeyda garawsiiyay kana yeersiiyay afkeeyga.
miruhun waa sidatan

Qaylo dhaani nooma dhimana.
Qaadirkooow na qaarqabo.
Qiimo beeshay qarannimadii.
Kuwii qumanaa la qoor goo.
Qalbi laawe iyo midaan khayr
Lahayn baa qaribaya dhul keenii.
Kuwa qumman dad keeygoow.
Qabiil ma is ka xoornaa?
Qarannimo ma u dhaqaaqnaa?
Quluubta ma is ku xaarnaaa?
Qeyrkeen naga reebtay qabyaaladuye.

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Seven Million Dollars Must Be Paid! Why?

This is not the best story you've heard! It is a shame for us. But read it by following the link below.

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Ma shukaansiyaa mise waa shacatiro?

Hadaadan arag Mahubo iyo Oday Shirwac, Qosol ayaa Kuu dhiman. Riix hoos oo fiirso labadooda oo shakeysanaya.

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Ruwaayad. Waxyar oo Qosol ah. Ila Qosol - Miigane

Waa Ruwaayad Fixda Kaa Dhameyneysa oo dhulka aad la dhacayso qosolka. Daawo linkiga hoose riix.

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Janan - Abdi oo Qaadaya Hees aan Caadi ahayn. Daawo

Gulaad Production oo soo habeysay video laga duubay fanaanka caanka ah Cabdi Janan oo ku luuqaynaya hees. Daawo Video-yga

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Prime Minister Raila Odinga is assuring Kenyan Somalis that their rights will be protected by the government

Soomaalida Kenya ayaa dhowaan nabad gelyadoodii gashay cariiri kuwaasoo qaarkood la dhigay xabsi. Dhowaan ayaa ra'iisul wasaaraha Kenya Raila Odinga fagaare qudbo uu ka jeediyay Nairobi ku sheegay in Soomaalida dalka kenya ku nool la ilaalin doono xaquuqdooda bani aadanimo. Halkaan hoose ka daawo video arinkaa ka hadlaya. waa

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Faadumiina iyo Fanaaniinta - by Banooda Media presents - Duba UAE

Heeso macaan oo laga qaaday soo dhoweyntii fanaanada aan "caadiga" ahayn Faadumiina. Daawo

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Gabdho Soomaali ah oo Sameenaya dharka gabdhaha ku dabaashaan

Gabdho degan New Zealand ayaa soo saaray dhar ay gabdhaha muslimiintu ku dabaashaan, loo yaqaan 'the Mukiini" kaasoo ah mid ay u arkaan inuu asturayo gabdhaha marka ay ku dabaalanayaan xeebaha publigga ah. Daawo video sharaxaya

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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ma runbaa in nin Somali Lander ah sameeyay Diyaarad?

Sida video-gani ku tusayo waxaa wiil reer waqooyi ahi sameeynayaa diyaarad helicoptor ah. Diyaaraddan ayuu farsameynayaa kadibna kicinayaa. Bal fiirso - riix linkiga hoose.

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Video: Somali Music by Iftin Studio

Riix hoos si aad u daawato heeso xamari ah oo fanaan caan ah ka qaadayo meel fagaaro ah oo Soomaali badan isugu soo baxday. Magaaladu waa...Daawo

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Friday, January 29, 2010

Ma aragtay Owr Dhaan ah oo La Rarayo?

on - Waxaa Channelka caanka ah ee soo bandhigtay geel la rarayo oo dhaan ah. Linkiga hoose riix si aad u daawato videoga. Waxay kusoo xasuusin waayo waayo! Hadii aadan weligaa baadiyo ku noolaan, video-gan waa kaa ilbixinaa waxyaabaha aad ka fahansaneen dadka reer miyaga ah. Riix linkiga hoose

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Youtube is either Addiction or Work

Are you addicted to visiting or Perhaps you are here to promote something important to you? I am here to do both! :)

in reference to: YouTube - 333miley3's YouTube (view on Google Sidewiki)

ChoiceTVSomali Improving the Image of Our Community! Somchat Review

Young Somalis Education Award

ChoiceTvSomali is a video project run by Nabiil and Dragoncut aimed at giving young people the opportunity to express themselves on issues relevant, and important, to them. 

The Full Episodes are 10 to 20 minute videos presented as a magazine style television show. They feature interviews, short films, music videos, vox pops, adverts, facts and opinions in a series of short pieces linked together by presenters. 

Issues addressed so far include Knife & Gun Crime, Consequences of Drug & Alcohol Use, Exclusion from Mainstream School, Bullying, Peer Pressure, Happy Slaps and Inter-Faith interaction to name a few. 

The Short Films section contains any short films made with the young people. Most of these are included in the full episodes, but are placed here for ease. This section will also contain any adverts made for a full episode, again for ease of access.

 The Music Videos section features music videos made both within episodes of ChoiceTVsomali or as seperate projects in their own right. Please have a look at the work the young people have produced, as not only is it entertaining and of a great standard, but what they have to say is important and relevant, and possibly not heard enough outside their own social circles.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Where is K'naan Warsame now? Tracking the East African Superstar

Canada for Haiti - K'Naan Performs Waving Flag 
Monday, 25 January 2010 
Fanaanka Caanka ah K'naan Warsame ayaa dhowaan ka qayb qaatay barnaamij lacag loogu aruurinayo dadka reer Haiti kuwaaso dhul gariir wax yeeleeyay. ... Read more...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Top 100 Female Celebrity Videos Posted! On

Short Clips and Videos about the Hottest most powerful women on the planet - in terms of fame and fortune of course.  This list put together by shows the top 100 female celebrites in videos - not photos, videos of the hottest women on earth.  Aliens, if you land on earth, check out this list to know what we're all about! - The original post was 
titled Hot Top 100 female celebrity videos  by www. - and the full list of female celebrity videos are here!